Home Sweet Home! (1/12)
Multi-Channel Digitizer Prototype (DE1-SoC) (2/12)
Wireless Half-Duplex Ultraviolet Transceiver (DE1-SoC) (3/12)
Xmas Tree with Fading Light Effects (PIC32) (4/12)
Square Wave Generator (555 timer) with Inverting SMPS (MC34063A) (5/12)
Portable Metal Detector (PIC32) (6/12)
Simple RISC Machine (DE1-SoC) (7/12)
AC Phasor-meter (8051) (8/12)
15nm NAND3-Gate Cell (9/12)
RT Control System MATLAB/Simulink Model (10/12)
ARC4 Decryption System (DE1-SoC) (11/12)
Documetn Analyzer(Java & Google Natural Language API) (12/12)

About me

My name is Robin Yuan and I am a fourth-year electrical engineering student. I am very much interested in digital system designs using FPGA and SystemVerilog. I also have expericne in implementing VLSI systems using standard cells and designing logic-gate cells using Cadence Encounter, Virtuoso, and Innovus. In addition, I also enjoy designing analog electronic circuits used in embedded systems. (ps: I like to design PCBs just for fun sometimes.) Apart from electrical eningeering, I like to watch anime and play video games developed by FromSoftware Inc.

I am an electrical engineer so please don't judge this terrible website layout 😂. I build this in one day and didn't use any templates.

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